The goal was to create a well balanced top-10, consisting of both newer books & the old classics. So, inevitably some great books were left off. Here are some honorable mentions:
- Orwell's Animal Farm
- Bandwith by Eliot Peper
- The Star Fox by Poul Anderson
I made my list and then took the following poll...
...and even though I've yet to read most of the books mentioned in the comments section of that poll, the results are pretty close to what I had already previously written down. Special thanks to Terry Van Ausdall for the free copy of Michael Williamson's Freehold!
This is what I came up with...
10. The Adventures of Tom Stranger written by Larry Coreia, performed by Adam Baldwin
9. Alongside Night by J. Neil Schulman
8. Murder of Manatees written by Larry Coreia, performed by Adam Baldwin
7. Snow Crash by Neal Stephenson
6. Double Star by Robert Heinlein
5. Artemis by Andy Weir
4. Ready Player One by Ernest Cline
3. Stranger In a Strange Land by Robert Heinlein
2. Anthem by Ayn Rand
1. The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress by Robert Heinlein